Today, grandfather clocks may serve only as elaborate and sophisticated decorative pieces but in the past, they were among the most accurate technologies for timekeeping. Their history goes back to the 17th century when they were invented by famous clockmaker William Clement. However, it was not until the 19th century when these timepieces got their modern-day name which was inspired by a popular song. Because of the many interesting facts surrounding these antique clocks and because they are often passed down from generation to generation as a key family sentiment piece, many people prefer to take their grandfather clock with them when they move home even when they know that this job will not be an easy one to complete. If you too are planning on doing namely that, you will need to:
- Disassemble it
- Secure it from the inside
- Lock the windows/doors
- Wrap and secure it from the outside
That will keep your charming grandfather clock from damaging during the moving and transportation processes.
The big don’ts of handing a grandfather clock
These timekeeping pieces are extremely delicate and there are not many experts out there who are knowledgeable and experienced enough to properly fix them in case something goes wrong. Therefore, you need to be really careful with the way you handle these items. There are several big mistakes which many owners of such antiques tend to make. The most common of them is touching the components of the clock with their bare hands. Instead, wear gloves (preferably cotton ones) so that you will not smudge its glass and brass elements. Also, never try to move a grandfather clock when it has not been disassembled. That will surely damage it.
Step 1: Disassembling
There are several things which you need to remove from the clock:
- The pendulum
- Its weights
- Glass shelves (if it has any)
- Other pieces of decoration
Once you take out these elements, make sure you separately pack each of them with bubble wrap. You may also need to remove the clock’s movement if it is not well-secured. Be really careful with it because it is incredibly delicate and one wrong move can damage it. Disassembling an antique clock, however, is not a simple task. You can try using professional furniture assembly and disassembly services in London or you may even need to find movers who are trained in moving such specialty items.
Step 2: Secure it from the inside
Time to wrap up all the chains, cables and other components that cannot be disassembled and will need to remain inside the piece during its transportation. Again, you can use bubble wrap for that or packing paper. If there are any movable elements in the clock, tape and wrap them to prevent them from shifting. After that, fill up the remaining space inside this antique piece with a soft protection blanket or more bubble wrap and packing paper.
Step 3: Lock it
If you can, lock the window or door of your grandfather clock to prevent it from randomly opening. For extra safety, you can tape them up. In that way, you will leave no room for mistakes and unpleasant surprises.
Step 4: Wrap it from the outside
Grandfather clocks are quite big. So, chances are that you will not be able to put yours in a standard cardboard box. That is why you need to meticulously wrap it – first with bubble wrap and then with a furniture blanket. Pack the other elements of the clock in moving boxes and mark them as “Fragile.”
If you have problems with any of the above-listed tasks, call in the pros. They will know what to do for sure!